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Plainfield Waits On Truck

The August meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was at the Town Hall.

Supervisor Todd Lewis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Highway Department Superintendent Rod Jennison advises he will be needing salt for the winter.

He said $3,500 will be needed to purchase it, which was approved by the Board.

The issue of buying a new 10-wheeler was discussed.

The purchase of the truck was to be paid from the New York State CHIPS program.

Some of the guidelines under CHIPS for payment were in question, so it was a mutual decision between the Board and Jennison to opt out of the purchase for this year.

The funds will still be available and not lost.

The Board requested Jennison leave the Town pickup at the garage for the Highway employees’ use, rather than use their personal vehicles for Town business.

The truck will still be available for Jennison to use for Town business.

Town Clerk Jon Cockett asked about the timeline for reimbursement requests of money already spent under CHIPS.

It was decided that Cockett and Jennison will complete the forms for December payment.

Cockett presented the report for July.

Total revenue of $105 from the sale of dog licenses and Certified copies were disbursed as follows: Town share of $92 and state Ag and Markets share of $13.

Also approved were the Highway abstract of $46,792.10 and the General abstract of $7,881.29.

A quote of $3,348.75 from Brockett Creative to revamp the Town website was received.

The Board is receptive to the revamp, but would like a second opinion.

Board members discussed including a new budget line item to provide funds to support the Susquehanna Valley Humane Shelter.

The decision will be made prior to the 2025 budget adoption.

Alicia Lasher has been appointed the Town of Plainfield dog control officer.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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