The Village of Oriskany Falls Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting July 19.
Present at the meeting was Mayor Steven Jeffers, Trustees Douglas Smorol and Jean White. Trustees Brian Bell and Gerald Pedersen were absent.
Resident Jeanette Weaver was present to discuss her concern with tractor trailer and dump truck traffic speeding into the Village on Route 26. The Board suggested Weaver write a letter to the NYSDOT with her concerns.
The Village has a digital speed sign and has made contact with Oneida County and NYSDOT, along with making several complaints with the Oneida County Sheriff Department.
Fire Commissioner Russ Petrie was present to discuss the inspection of the 2010 Pierce Fire Truck from Brindlee. Petrie returned the check to Village Clerk Amber Bell and stated that parts were still on order and they are waiting to repair the door and valve. It could be a couple months before it is ready.
Commissioner Jim Dowd also requested that the Board bond for the remaining balance needed to purchase the used Fire Truck from Brindlee, plus the travel expense.
WWTP Operator and Superintendent Geoffrey Stevens was present to answer any questions.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPEDES Permit annual inspection report is on file for public knowledge. Jeffers and Smorol said job well done to Stevens for an excellent report from the NYSDEC.
Jeffers made the motion seconded by White to approve…