The Town of Litchfield December board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Jim Entwistle.
Entwistle read the bank balances for the Certificates of Deposit, General Fund, and Highway Fund accounts.
Motions were made and approved to transfer funds to appropriate accounts to pay December bills.
Motions were passed to pay the General and Highway bills. Entwistle advised Herkimer County Real Property Tax Service Agency sent a new contract for 2024. The price per parcel will remain at $12.
A motion to approve Entwistle to sign the new contract was approved.
The board entered Executive Session to discuss a certain employee at 8:50 p.m. The regular meeting resumed at 9 p.m.
Discussion regarding the January meeting, which will include the 2024 Organizational Meeting, was held.
A motion was made to hold the meeting Wednesday, Jan. 10 starting at 7 p.m.
Two Nexamp representatives attended the meeting, Liza Schepps, Business Development Manager, and Stephanie Alessandrini, Environmental Design Partnership, were there. Discussion ensued regarding the SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review) process, specifically Parts 2 and 3.
Part 2 is an Environmental Assessment Review; Part 3 is an Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance ...