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Litchfield Reviews Rules

Town of Lichfield Supervisor Jim Entwistle opened the February meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Councilmen Terry McKane and Terry Jones were absent. Town business was still able to be conducted with the three council members in attendance.

Entwistle reviewed the CD, money market and checking account balances. He advised the bank statements had not been received yet.

The Justice Report was distributed for review by the board members.

The Highway and General fund bills were signed and approved. The board minutes were approved with corrections.

A Zoom meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 15 with Jerry Stacchi from JGK Associates to discuss final information about the salt shed grant.

Councilman Jonathan Knauth advised the board of his findings after reviewing the 44-page document called Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Overview of the Final Rule from the US Dept of Treasury. This report explains the rules a town needs to adhere to when spending funds from the American Rescue Plan. Knauth stated in his opinion the funds could be used for almost any purpose at this point.

Also, the reporting requirements have been streamlined. If a municipality has received less than $10 million in SLFRF money, there would be “no written justification required” for funds spent on capital improvement that are under $1 million.

Currently the Town of Litchfield is set to receive an additional $75,000 in July. The town has already received an initial $75,000 payment.

Initially Knauth had written a proposal for a plan to use the ARP funds for new windows at the town building. After discussion, the board agreed replacing the windows would still be a good use for the money.

According to the town’s procurement policy the project would need to go out for bids.

Knauth advised the town has until the end of 2023 to commit the use of the funds and has until the end of 2026…


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The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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