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Litchfield Given Award

Town of Litchfield Supervisor Jim Entwistle opened the Oct. 12 meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Entwistle read the balances of the General Funds and Highway Funds.

Codes Enforcement Officer Ray Donley advised he was up to permit No. 27 for 2021. The newest permits were for a garage, addition and a storage shed.

He has completed four commercial inspections and will schedule more soon.

Donley advised the structure on Rasbach Road has been demolished. There is still additional clean up around the property needed.

He is checking on a complaint received regarding a sewer issue in Cedarville.

And advised the cleanup at the farm in Cedarville has been completed.

Herkimer County Legislator Donley reported the legislators will be discussing new DEC suggestions for extending the hunting season until Jan. 1. Several board members advised they did not think that was a good idea due to overlap of snowmobile season.

Donley reviewed Herkimer County’s plans for use of the $11 million American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds. Nine million will be used for roads and infrastructure, $2.1 million for salaries attributed to Covid-19, and $800,000 for tourism in Town of Webb to include a 215-boat slip in Old Forge.

Entwistle advised Ag and Markets completed an inspection of the Dog Control…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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