The Town of Kirkland Board met Monday evening to discuss new business.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the April 24 meeting minutes.
The Board approved a resolution approving the Town of Kirkland fireworks display for July 4, with a rain date for July 7.
The Board approved a resolution approving the Hamilton College fireworks display June 8.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the mowing and ditching agreements.
Attorney Tony Hallak asked the Board to approve a resolution accepting the petition as complete and a resolution to refer the motion to the Planning Board for comment.
The Board approved a resolution to accept the petition as complete and approved a resolution to refer the motion to the Planning Board for comment.
The Board approved a resolution showing the intent of the Town of Kirkland Board to be the lead agency for the 3 Sisters Lodge.
The Board approved a resolution approving the 2024-25 agreement to provide emergency medical treatment for dogs and cats with the Clinton Pet Vet.
There was a letter expected about the increase in fees and expenses.
The Town received a letter from the NYS DOT about the Kellogg Street speed study.
The DOT said they would conduct their own study.
The Highway Department is expecting new trucks to be delivered in September.
The Town received a $15,000 check from the Hamilton College Town & Gown to build the back deck of the Kirkland Senior Center in Clark Mills.
The Board approved a resolution to lower the speed on Kellogg Street to 30 miles per hour.
The Board approved a resolution auditing bills.
The next Town of Kirkland Board meeting is scheduled for May 29 at 5 p.m.