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Codes Complaints Heard By Marshall Board

By Janet Dangler

The Town Board meeting was called to order July 11 Town Supervisor Colleen Baldwin presiding.

After the minutes of the June 13 meeting were approved, Baldwin asked if there were any guests to be recognized, saying each guest would be limited to five minutes to speak.

Resident of VanHyning Road Jane Stephenson, asked about updates with Dan Williams’ excavating businesses on that road. Codes Enforcement Officer Gary Shreppel was not there to address their questions.

Stephenson asked about the Order to Remedy issued in May. There was no conclusion about that order in Shreppel’s written report, parts of which were read aloud by Councilmember Bob Blunt.

She also asked about the 30 mph speed limit signs which were recently put on VanHyning Road. Highway Superintendent Bob Welch said he had received complaints about speeding on that road, and that led him to have the speed limit posted.

Doreen Falin, of VanHyning Road, said she wanted to be on record as holding the Town of Marshall Board responsible for the absence of oversight and responsibility in the matter. Williams has a business on agricultural land not compatible with agriculture zoning, she said.

Deb Turner, also of VanHyning Road, spoke about Williams’ other business on that road: Blueberry Brook Farm Resort. She does not think that, because Williams identifies as a country club, which is stated in the CEO’s report, he has obtained all licenses and permits required by New York state.

Blunt said the Town does not have jurisdiction over the licenses he needs. The only control the Town of Marshall has is with zoning requirements, and according to the CEO’s report, Williams is complying with them.

David Koester, another resident of VanHyning Road addressed the others in the neighborhood. He said they would need to contact proper authorities themselves, and document any issues.

At that point, Baldwin said she had to move on; a lot of business was before the Board.

Dante Ruia, representing the Planning Board, said he had a written report he would send to the members of the Town Board.

Jamie McNair spoke for the Zoning Board of Appeals. He reported the committee discussed the conversation he had with the project manager of Norbut Solar Farms, which is planning a solar farm in the Town of Marshall.

They will probably not start construction on the project until the summer of 2024. Once Norbut has a better idea of how the construction will proceed, they will let McNair know, who in turn will notify the Town Board.

The Comprehensive Review committee has not met in a number of months. McNair said now that the Town has a functioning Planning Board, he doesn’t believe the Comprehensive Review committee has a role at this time in the Town of Marshall.

Assessors had no report. The Water Board did not meet so there was no report.

Baldwin read the report from the Codes Office. He issued no permits; met with Mary Binder of the DEC on the four violations of National Flood Insurance Program resolutions; and followed up on several fireworks complaints, which were referred to the Oneida County Sheriff’s office. He is going to take an 18-hour training on the NFIP.

In his report, Welch said he had finished up Canning Factory Road. They are starting to put sand up in anticipation of the winter.

He also reported on updating the surveillance camera system. He had advice…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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