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By Anthony Gannon

Clinton Drops Sewer Charge

The Village of Clinton Board met Monday night to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution opening a public hearing to discuss decreasing the base sewer rent/charge from $48.40 per thousand cubic feet to $44 per thousand cubic feet.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the February meeting minutes. The Board approved a resolution auditing of vouchers.

Board member John Lauchert said the Finance Committee held a discussion about the designated fund balance and the impact of the RTS charge and base sewer rent/charge on Village residents. The rate changes will create a net difference of $60,000 with over a 9% taxpayer savings.

The Board approved a resolution to close the public hearing.

The Board approved a resolution to decrease the base sewer rent/charge, effective April 1.

Village of Clinton Mayor Elizabeth Tantillo led a discussion about researching adjustments to Village employee salaries.

Board member Richard Fuller provided an updated list of trees to be removed. He said homeowners with trees to be removed will be alerted before removal.

The Traffic Committee has studied establishing a 25 mph speed limit as well as looking at spots throughout the Village for crosswalks and speed zones. A study will be distributed to residents to offer traffic calming strategies.

The Board approved a resolution for the payment of bills. The Board approved a voucher for the payment of the Clinton Fire Department Chief's Vehicle.

Tantillo announced the Village of Clinton and Town of Kirkland's $10 million DRI win, saying, "It's really great and very exciting."

The Board approved a resolution to relevy unpaid water/sewer taxes to Oneida County for June Village Taxes.

The Board approved a resolution for the Stone Presbyterian Church's Village Green Application for an Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Worship Service April 9 from 7 to 9 a.m.

The Board approved a resolution to hold a Public Hearing at the April 3 Board meeting to discuss the Local Law in Excess of Tax Levy Limit.

The Board approved a resolution to authorize transferring…


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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