By Lorraine Kinney-Kitchen, Vice president, Clark Mills Historical Society
At their Sept 21 meeting, the Clark Mills Historical Society commemorated their 30-year anniversary by dedicating a personalized banner to their Founder, Barbara Traver.
Traver spoke to the room of assembled members about the humble beginnings of the Historical Society, citing details of fundraising and friendraising activities.
Pointing to the colorful quilt adorning the wall, Traver recalled receiving quilt squares from Clark Mills families who lived here and all over the nation.
She fondly recounted working with the early Historical Society members to piece and sew the quilt. She shared stories about the parade they organized to increase awareness and membership among residents.
She marveled at the accomplishments of the membership throughout the last 30 years, as well as the collection of archival items. She gave a personal thank you to current President Gail Williamson for her leadership.
She remarked that Clark Mills, while a small Hamlet, has always been a close-knit and therefore, strong community. She highlighted the investments the Hind & Harrison Plush Company made in the town's infrastructure, building rows and rows of houses, businesses and even a recreational club.
The Arthur Hind Club is now the Clark Mills American Legion.
She emphasized the role the Mill played in populating the community with millworkers from many different countries. The employment opportunities attracted large numbers of immigrants, who brought with them…