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CCS Budget Funds New Position For Assistant Principal

By Anthony Gannon

The Clinton Central School Board of Education met Tuesday evening for a budget workshop.

Once New York state’s final budget numbers are received, the next steps in the CCS Budget will be calculated.

There is a 3 percent increase in Foundation aid, the largest category of state aid received.

The Electric School Bus proposal is on the table. Expense Based Aid was formulated the same.

The District estimates state aid increased to $11,950,149 by $323,986.

There is an action for approval on the Reserve Plan's Undesignated and Appropriated Fund Balance Analysis along with a 5-year Long-Range Financial Plan Analysis.

A list of reserve fund and capital fund ideas were discussed.

A discussion on the Teachers Retirement Contribution Fund and the use of unspent expenditure also was conducted by Board members and administrators.

The Revenue Forecast is budgeted for $29,800,950, increasing $653,697 or 2.24 percent.

Funds are being appropriated for Elementary School extra-curriculars.

An assistant principal will be hired at the High School and a Community Service Club and E-Sports Club will be added.

The tentative budget is scheduled to be voted on for final adoption at the April 19 meeting.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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