With some adjustments in transportation and meal schedules, Brookfield Central School students returned to class five full days a week last week.
BCS Superintendent Jim Plows said the change in state guidelines allowed the district to make changes to bring back all students every day. Brookfield had been using an alternate two/three-day a week schedule for students who attended in-person.
The return to full-time in-school learning started last Friday. Plows told the BCS Board of Education last week that the district reached out to families, including those whose children had been remote only since September.
“If they want to come back, all our students can come in the building five days a week,’’ he said.
Because Brookfield had been doing a cohort model since fall - with students attending with their assigned Blue or Orange group - the district plans to keep students together in larger cohorts in the building. That allows BCS to follow the new state guideline of being 3 feet, not 6 feet, apart in the classroom.
Plows cautioned that the ability to have full in-person learning depends on the transmission rate of the coronavirus. If it reaches a certain level in Madison County, the district will have to revert to the hybrid or full remote model, Plows said.
He said Brookfield will also…