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Bridgewater Waits For County’s Plan Addressing Floods

By Anthony Gannon

The Town of Bridgewater Board met Thursday evening to discuss new business.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the July and August meeting minutes into Town record.

The Board said the flooding situation is currently waiting on the Army Corps of Engineers to approve a plan and approval from Oneida County. There was a discussion about the effect of flooding on local properties and the timeframe of the installation of the catch basins.

Gerry Parry reported the Town's water system was scheduled for an inspection.

Town Assessor Bernie Szarek said a clerical error was accounted for with a computer program. Szarek said he would stay on as Town Assessor until a replacement was found, however he wouldn't continue with the position through the end of the year.

Work was done on trees tangled in powerlines. The Highway Department is waiting on a part for the water pump of a plow truck.

Town Attorney Matt Fanelli reported all residences cited for codes problems were reaching compliance.

The Bridgewater Fire Department answered 30 ambulance calls, five fire calls, and four accidents for August.

The Board approved the payment of bills before adjourning.


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 


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