The Town of Bridgewater Board met last week evening to discuss new business.
Dan Buttermann met with the Board to talk about his campaign for the State Assembly for District 122. Town of Bridgewater Supervisor Dale DeKing talked with Buttermann about the Town's infrastructure and utility needs.
The Board approved a resolution accepting the June Board meeting minutes into Town record.
Gerry Parry reported everything is running smoothly with the water system. A meter pit was dug and the water for a trailer on a lot is being activated.
Parry said chlorine prices will increase. Board member Tom Meininger asked Parry about the higher electric bill; however Parry said he didn't notice any unexpectable price raise.
Parry said Woodford Bros. would be hired to replace a problem valve. A light or fixture in front of Town Hall needs to be replaced.
Town Assessor Bernie Szarek reported his roadwork and filings are up-to-date. He said this is the lightened workload portion of his year.
Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officer Pat Baron submitted his report for approval to the Board. He said the sale of the old snowmobile club to a prospective buyer fell through.
Baron said he's waiting to submit paperwork until it can be notarized.
Meininger reported a complaint received…