The Town of Bridgewater Board met in-person Thursday evening to discuss new business.
The previous meeting's minutes were accepted.
Zoning/Codes Enforcement Officer Patrick Baron said he's issued a few permits since June 10, and court proceedings scheduled for July 26 are awaiting paperwork. Baron said several new violations have been uncovered recently, with several cases scheduled for court.
Town of Bridgewater Supervisor Dale Deking asked Baron about a specific violation. Baron said it was already accounted for.
In the Star’s report of the Town’s June meeting, it was incorrectly stated that the Town would not comply with Oneida County’s directive to submit all Zoning Board of Appeals paperwork electronically. DeKing said the Town will follow the proper procedure.
Neither ZBA Chairman Dave Washburn or ZBA member Dierdra Williams attended the meeting. Board members want to be sure Williams will replace Washburn as chair of the ZBA as he wants to step down but remain a member of the ZBA.
Town Attorney Matt Fanelli gave an overview of an escalated situation saying a previously documented case is claiming to have not received the paperwork for the multiple fines their account is holding. Fanelli said the distribution of…