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BOCES Budget Approved In CCS

The Clinton Central School Board of Education met Tuesday evening for a Special Budget Meeting.

The Board approved a resolution adopting the Oneida-Herkimer-Madison tentative administration budget.

The Board approved a resolution accepting the votes cast for the OHM BOCES Board for Timothy Thomas, Gary Nelson, Gary Porcelli, and Russell Stewart.

The Board approved a resolution retroactively appointing John Krause as High School Musical Pit Pianist.

A Meet the Candidates social is scheduled for May 10.

CCS Superintendent Dr. Stephen Grimm said he's producing a budget presentation video.

Grimm added he's received calls from the community about a Facebook page related to the election. Grimm said, "There is no official site or page from CCS regarding the election."


The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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