A Regular meeting of the Plainfield Town Board was held Aug. 11 in the Town Hall.
Assemblyman Brian Miller attended the meeting to discuss where he stands on specific issues and answer any questions.
Assessor John Davison reported he has processed the few exemption applications received after March 1. He will check any properties where an owner has a concern for the upcoming roll and where construction has been completed since then.
Highway Superintendent Rod Jennison reported the Town roads have started being graveled and the 2022 truck is now in service. He made a request to have one of the trucks sandblasted, which was approved by the Board.
The July Town Clerk reports, Minutes and Abstracts were all presented and approved by the Board.
A bid for a generator for Town buildings was reviewed. Another bid is being presented at the next meeting. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
New LED light bulbs were purchased for the Courthouse.
An update was given concerning a business prospect for cleaning the Town Hall and Courthouse. The issue was tabled until the next meeting.