Since February the Village of Oriskany Falls has opened a new way to communicate with residents.
The global connect system known as IRIS, for Immediate Response System, can do a quick sharing of information. For those not in the system who want to be, contact the Village Clerk.
Residents may supply a phone number (up to five per household) and/or an e-mail address to start receiving important messages. Those will be kept confidential.
To join, e-mail or text contact information to vilofalls@cnymail.com or 315-335-0129. Messages may be about offices hours, tax/utility bill due dates, road work, water/sewer repairs, board meetings, movies in the park, Youth & Recreation Program being canceled, when the Village parks will open up and other news.
A new software program has changed out the village’s utility billing looks. If interested in paying bills online through a web portal or receiving the bill through email contact the Village Clerk. These functions should be available by the October billing cycle.
The Village Hall is open to the public Mondays through Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Masks must be worn to enter.
Office hours of operation the week of July 6-10 are Monday, July 6, Wednesday, July 8 and Friday July 10 8 a.m. to noon; Tuesday, July 7 and Thursday, July 9, closed.
Put any payments in the drop box if the Office...