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Mining Stopped In Marshall

The Town of Marshall issued a Stop Work order to Eric Schachlter to halt mining on his Shanley Road property.

Although the town imposed a moratorium on mining on private land in the town, Schachlter had notified nearby residents that he planned to do blasting last week at his quarry. During the moratorium the town is researching whether to allow any landowner to use their property for private mining.

A Special Use Permit would be required for that, and would need to specify that blasting is allowed. Residents have spent months attending town meetings speaking in opposition to blasting and mining for the negative impact they said it would have beyond Schachtler’s property.

Marshall Town Board members cancelled last week’s meeting, which included a public hearing to allow public input on extending the moratorium. Under state regulations for Covid-19, members of the public would...

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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