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By Zach Lewis

New Pottery Shop Opens

An artist who has shipped her functional pottery globally and nationally has opened a shop in the Village of Clinton.

Kandace Lockwood, a graduate of Whitesboro Central School, opened a stocked showroom at 1 E. Park Row in November 2017. Her showroom displays her functional pottery options, and it doubles as her studio. She sells mugs, vases, bowls, jars and cabinet knobs, just to name a few things.

Before she opened her shop, Lockwood spent all of her time building her career to the point where she could have a space of her own.

She started her pottery business in Alfred where she went to college about 10 years ago, working from a space in an art center. After leaving the center in Alfred, she found a space at the Kirkland Art Center and worked there for three years. After that, she was in a studio space at Clinton Pottery for three years before finally getting her own shop.

Lockwood has been making pottery for 15 years. She started pottery when she was in high school as an elective.

When it came time to apply for college, she thought about getting a degree in science; however, pottery was on her mind. “I just couldn’t imagine not making pottery anymore,” she said.

For the full story, check newsstands for this week's edition of The Waterville Times. You can also request a previous issue of The Waterville Times.

The full story is in this week's edition of the newspaper. 

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